Hero Into AGA WF2169252

Into Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2

Students are more than just a number

Our Grades 8–12 math curriculum engages every learner in mathematical thinking.

Create Fearless Problem Solvers

Into AGA® supports every learner as they develop conceptual understanding and procedural fluency in math. Students build productive perseverance in problem-solving and apply knowledge to high-level mathematics and beyond.

Instruction that Meets Teachers’ Needs

Into AGA makes it easy for teachers to choose the instructional delivery—print, digital, or a combination of both—that fits their teaching styles, the school’s resource availability, and students’ needs.

Instruction that meets Into AGA WF1639875

Accelerate Student Growth

Embedded assessments in the program help teachers easily monitor, forecast, and accelerate growth. Quality growth data to pinpoint proficiency is readily available.

Accelerate Student Growth Into AGA WF1639875

Purposeful, Targeted Practice

Ample practice opportunities and intervention support individual needs. Students at all levels can practice by skill, lesson, or standard.

Purposeful Targeted Practice Into AGA WF1639875

The Right Support at the Right Time

We include targeted differentiation strategies for every lesson, allowing teachers to provide the right support for students at the right time.

Right Support Right Time Into AGA WF1639875

Experience Connected Teaching and Learning

Connect. Extend. Grow. 
Into AGA provides powerful assessments, best-in-class core instruction, intentional practice, intervention, and meaningful professional learning, all uniquely connected to empower teaching and learning. 

Motivate Students to Become Fluent Mathematicians



Foster Growth Mindset and SEL

Into AGA inspires students to see themselves as mathematical problem-solvers and instills a growth mindset.

Foster growth mindset sel Into AGA WF1639875


Give Students Ownership of their Growth

Students can monitor their own growth on Ed, the HMH learning platform, and within the print materials.

Give students ownership Into AGA WF1639875


Students Collaborate with One Another

The Into AGA curriculum includes whole-group, small-group, and partner work that encourages mathematical discourse, also known as math talk.

Students Collaborate Into AGA WF1639875

Powerful Tools at Teachers' Fingertips


All Students Get the Help They Need

The program includes ample formative math assessments with intervention recommendations, embedded strategies for daily support, and ready-made resources to differentiate math instruction.

All students get help Into AGA WF1639875


Accelerated Options for Advanced Students

Differentiation tools based on real-time data come with automated grouping and targeted differentiation options, including for students ready to tackle more challenging material.

Accelerated options advanced students Into AGA WF1639875

Professional Learning for Teacher and Leader Success

  • Guided Implementation

    Teachers starting at any time of the year can get up and running with resources in their Teacher Success Pathway that help them plan, teach, and assess learning, using their new HMH program.

    Into AGA TSP
  • Teacher’s Corner

    Teacher's Corner® on HMH Ed™ supports educators with year-round PD that puts classroom videos, teaching best practices, and live online events at their fingertips.

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  • Coaching and Courses

    HMH Coachly™ and professional development courses provide personalized support aligned to district needs. Teachers of all experience levels can own their professional growth through continuous partnership with an HMH instructional coach, or get year-round unlimited access to a virtual coach, using Coachly on the HMH Ed platform.

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  • Leader Support

    School and district leaders partner with experts who can help them drive transformation for all learners.

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Algebra 1 in Spanish

Designed for immersion and dual-language settings, ¡Arriba el Álgebra 1! offers the same high-quality mathematical tasks for Spanish-speaking learners in their native language. Many Algebra 1 resources are available in Spanish, including the teacher’s edition, student worksheets, online interactive lessons, teacher resource masters, and interactive module and unit assessments.

Into AGA Gets Results


Into AGA: Research Evidence Base

Explore the research behind the program’s design and features.

Research Evidence Base Into AGA WF1639875

“All-Green” Rating from EdReports

Into AGA has been rated by EdReports as Meets Expectations for alignment to college and career-ready standards. The educator-led review identifies high-quality instructional materials that have an impact on learning. Read the full review at EdReports.org.

All Green Rating

Unlock math success for all learners.

Insights & Resources

Stay updated on Into AGA with our latest articles, webinars, and resources.


Preview the Units and Modules available for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.


Preview an example of a lesson from Algebra 1.


Focus on the skills needed to succeed on the mathematics portion of the SAT®.


Focus on the skills needed to succeed on the mathematics portion of the ACT®.

Unlock math success for all learners.

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