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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners, and shaping the future of education.* 

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Data Dustin Blog

The strategic use of data can help schools define their vision, develop a plan to achieve it, and measure if they are executing the plan.

Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works

Dyslexia Myths Realities and Diagnostic Best Practices thumb v2

Presenting as a multitude of symptoms that range from poor spelling to comprehension difficulties, dyslexia can be easily overlooked.

Shaped Staff

Evidence Notebook00

Students use evidence notebooks to record observations and predictions, make sketches, and note questions that they have.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

Math Assessment Larson

A balanced assessment system is the tool by which teachers can continuously monitor student learning.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Learning Science3

The learning sciences focus on differentiated instruction that uses data to determine what students know and where their knowledge gaps lie.

Jessica McKeown, PhD
HMH Senior Learning Scientist, Math and Science

Kathleen Richards
Former HMH Senior Learning Scientist, ELA and Humanities

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In the new school year, prioritizing purposeful and consistent conferring will bring power to the literacy classroom.

Jennifer Serravallo

Jim FB Live gradient

HMH's Jim O’Neill discusses the new Into Learning programs and how they were developed in collaboration with teachers.

Julia Roch

News roundup 1 glass

Stay up to date on the education issues that matter to you.

Julia Roch

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Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Dr. Thomas O’Brien
Professor, Graduate School of Education at SUNY Binghamton

MATH 180 Edited Hero

Tameka Mullins
Content Marketing Manager, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


Dustin Bindreiff, Ed.D.
Special Education Coordinator, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools; Former Consultant for Mindset Works

How a change in mindset brought exceptional student results hero

Kourtney Ferrua
Principal of Wascher Elementary School

Efficient eye tracking hero

Dr. Alexandra Talaber

Dr. Danielle Leong

Answering important questions 3 16 hero

Francie Alexander
Senior Vice President, Efficacy & Consulting Research

HMH Prof Serv 2017 0222

Stevin Smith
Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

April Mindset 2

Emily Diehl
Education Consultant

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.